How your Instagram account can be hack? Secure Your Social Media Account Now

How your Instagram account can be hack?

Hello friends, Today I am going to show you How your Instagram account can be hack? What do You know about password security??? Is your password really secure? for example suppose your name is john, then what will be your password? John@123 right? or john@6688457 (Your mobile number ) These are easy to guess passwords.

Okay, so let's start How your Instagram account can be hack?

What hacker needs to hack your Instagram account? 

1)Kali Linux 
3)Your username (available publically ) and password list.

 1.First open terminal and clone this github repo.
We need this python tool to do brute force attack.
type git clone

and press enter.

2.Now change the directory and give execution permission using this command
chmod -R 755 Instagram && cd Instagram
3. now run file using

At the end of this process, you can see the actual password of given users.

So, How you can secure your account???

First, make your password stronger.

Don't do 

1. Don't use your name or partner name in password.
2. Never use your mobile number or school roll number in password.
3. Don't use birthdate in your password.
4. Generally, don't use your personal details in a password which anyone can guess.

1. Use an alpha-numeric password,like JaVA@$C=Kittyyy775%
2. Use at least 8 characters long password.
3. Never share your password with anyone.
4. Don't save your password in the browser because it can be steal by cookies.

Second Turn on the Two-Step authentication, you can use this on almost every platform like facebook, Instagram , Gmail.

Thank you for reading this post, if you have any questions ask in comment and if you are on Instagram then please follow us  


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